Online Financial Transfers

Group Link Inc. is a member driven Network with membership by introduction.  Our goal is to provide a unique business environment between members and to provide business opportunities, supplied services or products at "Industry" best pricing.   We view all our members as "Professionals" and supply our members a platform and portal to new business opportunities, a world-wide marketing channel to promote existing businesses, targeting industry-best pricing opportunities on all products and services, electronic commerce and payment services unmatched in the financial services sector, and ongoing monthly residual network revenues.


The Group Link  community is focused on empowering each member with choices which support the  growth of their business directives. A true entrepreneurial ecosystem providing valuable information, products and services. BY entrepreneurs. FOR entrepreneurs.


Everyday business products

Every business has day to day costs associated with doing business. Staffing, utilities, communications, office space, marketing, advertising, accounting and legal directly affect your bottom line. The Group Link  member base provides a wide range of cost savings service solutions to give your business a competitive advantage.


Strive for industry best pricing on all products and services

Our goal is to have all supplier members strive to provide the Group Link  network with "industry best pricing". This is a critical factor contributing to the value of our membership. Each member has a visible rating score, so the members focused on delivering exceptional value get noticed.


New business opportunities

Group Link members have immediate access to purchase existing businesses in a wide range of industries and locations. Our growing list of opportunities include; franchises, loyalty card programs, ATM networks, financial services and niche networking groups.


Worldwide marketing channels to promote existing business networks 

What does it cost to advertise in the phone book? How about in the newspaper? Each member has the option to create their own product page on the Group Link catalogue. Your existing business has instant exposure to the worldwide Group Link  network. Our membership reach will continue to expand delivering new marketing channels as it grows.


Electronic commerce and payment services unmatched in the financial services sector

Group Link provides introduction to eCommerce  payment processing platform , Interac Debit cards, prepaid re-loadable MasterCard's, Merchant accounts, POS systems and services, financial transaction processing, electronic fund transfers, and online payment solutions without excessive bank fees.  Financial service fees supplied through your Group Link membership are best of industry. 


Group Link in association with numerous stellar participants within the Canadian Financial Industry can securely acquire, authenticate, routes, authorizes and settles financial transactions across multiple channels. Combined with Group Link's proprietary secure, encrypted database management system, ensures both privacy and safety of all individual member and client information. This proprietary software and server network ensure that your information is safe and accounted for, providing the same security clients have counted on for over 14 years.


Any company that periodically does business with multiple recipients can save money through members supplying:

  • Payroll Department Services
  • Bookkeeping Services
  • Rental Property Management Services
  • Franchise Marketing Services
  • Network Marketing Services 


Partner Program

Our Commission Distribution Network (CDN) provides several revenue stream opportunities, from member product sales, to network development. The CDN structure is incredibly simple and straight forward.  This program ensures the Group Link  community is focused on attracting and retaining real business opportunity providers. Creating value for every member in turn attracts new members and new business opportunities for everyone.

What is the Group Link Network?

info@grouplinkca   #11, 3620-29th St. NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 5Z8 (403) 276-2221