#11, 3620-29th St. NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 5Z8 (403) 276-2221
Group Link Inc. members are provided with an extensive self managed reporting system providing one of the most effective ways to quickly supply real time information to help manage your business operations.
You have a complete banking and financial system built into your membership. This is where you can safely and securely manage funds in your Group Link account, make a payments to other members within the Group Link Network.
You have access to manage detailed information covering general statistics, sales, payment history, traffic logs and account settings.
General Statics: provides a quick summary of your current sales, the traffic stats of your custom member page and a description of your payout levels.
Payment history: provides you with a list of payment dates, the number of sales, and the total dollar value of those commissions.
Traffic Log: helps you track the traffic on your personal member page. It provides the URL address, the referring URL and the date and time of the visit.
My Account: this sections displays your Group Link Account balance and enables you to change your account information and change your password.
My Account